Thursday, February 19, 2009

dapat mengubah...
debu beralih emas...
keruh menjadi bening...
sakit menjadi sembuh...
derita menjadi nikmat...
dan kemarahan menjadi rahmat...

how beautiful love can should be able to 'transform' people who r in love into a more positive 'forms' rather than negative ones...when people misinterpret the power of love, they tend to do stupid things which will then lead to negative outcomes..
that's why people always say "LOVE IS BLIND" to what extend love can make people blind??this is what we have to think not misuse the power of love..
love is not lust, to those who r in love, never ever think that by showing your love "affectionately", your love will last long because this type of love will never last long...this is a disgrace love...
muslim especially, we hv the rules of being in still we can hv a passionate love bt in an appropriate manner...
however, nowadays we can see how people have misinterpreted the word LOVE...they define love as enjoying free sex eventhough there is no relationship between them which permits them to do that...this also happens among muslim is a shame to know how our muslim future generations are not able to "control" themselves from misinterpreting the power of love...
it is getting worse as almost everyday we can read in the newspaper about abortion, child out of wedlock and so on...
so what should we do in order to curb this problem???
parents definitely play important's ok to be "bzbody" for the sake of your children's future...
we, teachers also play imprtant roles..we hv to make sure that we will never forget to instill good moral values in our students...try to help students who hv the tendncy to fall into this trap...try to become their friends instead of enemies...they might learn to open up to you n share their feelings n problems..we hv to be more responsible towards our students...besides, the roles of teachers are getting challenging day by day...
n for the society, learn not to close your eyes if you see any improper actions...this is for our own good...we wanna produce quality future generations n we hv to make it happens...i know it sounds idealistic bt it is not impossible rite...who knows if all of us hand in hand in helping to curb this problem, it might turn into a reality one day, insyaallah...

ramai org berpandangan,
kita perlu bercinta utk mngenal psgn..
tnpa perkenalan, mustahil cinta bertandang..
tanpa percintaan, mustahil keserasian dikesan..
mereka sebenarnya terlepas pandang,
islam mengajar manusia taaruf yg ada sempadan,
terprlihara dan terjaga dr kemaksiatan...
bukan taaruf dgn bercinta sakan..
islam mengajar serasi dgn ajaran Tuhan, bkn dgn kehendak pasangan..
cinta Ar-Rahman menjana kebahagiaan,
lantaran itu, batasanNYA tak boleh dipermainkan...


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