Thursday, February 5, 2009

me n my friends had this conversation about how unfair the world is towards unattractive girls or men....people always look up to handsome guys or gorgeous girls..but unlucky for unattractive girls or men, as people always 'underestimate' of my friends told us a story:

ada 2 org awek dlm sebuah coach train, on the way to a place...ada mereka berdua ja...seorang lawa n seorang lg kurang lawa...kemudian ada 1 group of boys masuk coach 2...tiba2 mereka bau busuk sgt, mcm ada org kentut...automatically kesemua lelaki2 tersebut memandang ke arah perempuan yg xlawa hakikatnya yg kentut busuk 2 adalah perempuan yg lawa tp perempuan yg kurang lawa 2 yg dapat akibatnya....

this clearly shows how unfair people can be towards unattractive girls or women...then 1 of my friends gave his comments on this topic: he said.....

kalau org hensem or cantik menangis, org akan kata "alahai romatiknya org 2" tp kalau yg xensem or xlawa menangis, org akan kata "buruk perangai, hodoh betul menangis"

kalau org ensem or cntik menderma, org akan kata "dermawannya dia"
tp kalau org xensem or xlawa menderma, org akan kata "mesti ada apa2 tiba2 menderma"

hai, unfair rite???but what to do...this is a fact that all of us have to's hard, huh???no wonder nowadays lots of people are willing to do anything just to look gorgeous...
setiap ciptaan ALLAH adalah cantik....n all of us have to appreciate everything that we have...

but guys...the most important thing is the inner beauty...i always believe that inner beauty can affect our physical beauty...i'm sure if we have inner beauty, people can also see our physical beauty...but if we have 'stink' inner beauty, it's hard for people to see our physical beauty even if we have we have to change our perceptions as our single perception can affect one 'unlucky' person out there...


Your Average Mat said...

Life is not fair. If everyone is attractive, how can we compare which one is more attractive. aik? heh..

sometimes your attractiveness is also a test from god. he wants to see how well you use it.

ejat said...

yes, i agree with u ^_^